Article spotlight

Study Aims


Identify a typology/subgroups of single adult homelessness based on the Self-Sufficiency Matrix*

*The SSM is a case management tool assessing individuals' self‐sufficiency across multiple life domains (i.e., adult education, life skills, mental health, etc.).


Examine demographic correlates of the typologic groups


Explore whether the typology predicted permanent housing placement through rapid rehousing

Sample and Data

HMIS data for 261 single unhoused adults receiving HPRP rapid rehousing services

Results: Aim 1

Three typological groups were found:

Group 1: “High Self‐Sufficiency" -- greater self‐sufficiency across most SSM domains

Group 2: “Low Socioeconomic Self‐Sufficiency" -- lower scores on financial security and educational attainment

Group 3: “Low Psychosocial Self‐Sufficiency” -- lowest self‐sufficiency on psychosocial health and legal issues

Results: Aim 2

Race predicted group membership. Black individuals had the highest probability of being in the High Self‐Sufficiency group. White individuals had the highest probability of being in the Low Socioeconomic Self‐Sufficiency group.

Gender and age were not associated with group membership.

Results: Aim 3

The High Self‐Sufficiency group had the highest probability of attaining permanent housing through rapid rehousing


A more nuanced SSM scoring method may be superior to using the total score in assessing housing needs.

The rapid rehousing model may have limitations for serving individuals with greater socioeconomic and psychosocial needs.

The relationship between self-sufficiency and race suggests a need for greater attention to the effects of systemic oppression on vulnerabilities for  homelessness.